Linda G. Hill, an ON TIME Author Interview


Join us as we peek behind the scenes of our new anthology, ON TIME. Learn more about Linda G. Hill in her featured interview.


Can you tell us a little bit about your protagonist?

I suppose Phyllis is me in my worst nightmare. Disabled, my kids gone, taking meds that won’t allow me to do anything but watch soaps all day and just exist.

What is the most interesting thing about the world you’ve created?

It’s a world of possibilities, but like everything in life, what we want—what we wish for—isn’t always what’s best for us.

What genre or mix of genres does your story fit into?

If I had to choose just one genre, I’d say fantasy. But there’s an element of psychological horror in there as well.

How have your personal experiences influenced this story?

Years ago, I lived in group chats. They were all that kept me interested in life for a while. Though I suspect it makes me anti-social to an extent, I refuse to get caught up in them again.

What would you like readers to take away from your story?

Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it!

What was your favorite part of the story to write and why?

I loved writing the claustrophobic atmosphere of the underground bar, simply because as I wrote it, I was sitting at a table in an open-air restaurant right on the water of Lake Ontario on a beautiful early-summer day.


When did you write your first story, how old were you, and what was it about?

I wrote my first story when I was about four or five years old. I have no idea what it was about, but I still remember sitting at the dining room table with a “book” one of my parents had stapled together out of sheets of paper and being told to “just draw something and stop asking how to spell everything.” Incidentally, I could spell a lot of words when I hit Kindergarten.

What is your writing survival checklist? (Aka, what helps your write the best: music, snacks, coffee, complete silence, a stress ball, a cat, or an outline, etc.)

I need only one thing to write anything of substance: assurance that I won’t be interrupted. In order to get that, I invariably have to run away from home. I write in the back seat of my car in parking lots. People stare.

What has influenced you most as a writer?

Life. People.

What font do you prefer to write in?

Times New Roman, 12. Anything else distracts me.

Do you have any writing blogs/vlogs/podcasts, etc. that you would recommend?

I love Kristen Lamb’s blog. For vlogs and podcasts, anything by the Self-Publishing Formula (Mark Dawson) and Nick Stephenson.

What is your favorite and least favorite word, and why?

Gah! I hate this question. My favourite word changes constantly. Can I say anything that uses a “U” to give it an English/Canadian spelling? (Note the word “favourite” in my answer. 😉) My least favourite word is easier—“prefer.” I dislike the way my mouth puckers when I say it out loud. Call me weird.


Linda G. Hill is a stay-at-home mom of three boys and the guardian of one beagle and two kitties. She concocts tales in her head 24/7 and blogs at Linda’s upcoming release, The Magician’s Soul, is the third in a series of Gothic paranormal romances. Also available on Amazon, Apple, Nook, and Kobo are the first-in-series romantic comedy, Saddled, and her novelette, All Good Stories. She lives in Southern Ontario, Canada.

ON TIME is out now. Get your copy at AmazonBarnes & NobleKobo, or the exclusive hardback at

2 Comments Add yours

  1. marianallen says:

    I very much enjoyed this interview. I started “writing” at about the same age, and got in trouble at school for “daydreaming”, which is what people who don’t know better call “working hard at writing”. LOL


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