Fourth Dimension by DJ Tyrer

banner.jpegEnjoy an exclusive guest post from DJ Tyrer, author of “Out of Time” and “Time is Relative,” featured in our upcoming anthology ON TIME.



Time was a blurred motion about him, a swirl of possibilities in a wild rush of potentiality. Everything. Nothing.

The sensation was a rush, seductive, the subtle ebb at the furthest fringe of a destructive whirlpool. He wanted to dive deeper – knew it was madness.

The experiment was an astounding success. Or, an abject failure. It depended how you looked at it – and, he looked at it as no more than a blink of eternity’s eye.

Time was just another dimension, and like the physical three, one you could walk. One he would walk.

If only he knew the way….




DJ Tyrer is the person behind Atlantean Publishing and has been widely published in anthologies and magazines around the world, such as Amok! and Stomping Grounds (both April Moon Books), Altered States II (Indie Authors Press), Altered Europa (Martinus Publishing), and Destroy All Robots (Dynatox Ministries), and issues of The New Accelerator, Planet Scumm, Broadswords and Blasters, and Awesome Tales, and in addition, has a novella available in paperback and on the Kindle, The Yellow House (Dunhams Manor) and a comic horror e-novelette, A Trip to the Middle of the World, available from Alban Lake through Infinite Realms Bookstore.



ON TIME is coming in Summer 2020. Be sure to follow us on Amazon.


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