Anthony S. Buoni, a Featured Interview

If you haven’t heard of our new project, the On Fire anthology, this interview series will showcase our authors lives beyond their ignited tales. In Anthony S. Buoni’s “Dancing Lilly,” two cats are caught up in a job for the rat mob and find that being curious has deadly consequences.


How long have you been writing?

I traded the crayon I’d brought from the ether for a pen in the womb.  If only a typewriter would have been there, I would have made faster progress.

How many books do you usually read each month and what are their genres?

I read a lot of submissions monthly, so that chews into my pleasure reading time. I don’t regret it; by reading subs, I am turned on to so much new talent.  Even the bad or not ready works help my own craft, so nothing that comes in from the other side is time wasted.  I do also try to read novels, horror anthologies and what not.  I also balance my fiction with books about music theory, business, and film making.  I love serial killer lit and Hollywood biographies.

What are your hobbies?

I love film—horror, classics, science fiction, documentaries, comedies, drama—really, all of it. I try to watch what equates to a movie a day, a project I call Endless Fall.  They don’t have to be life-changing, either.  I like schlock and amateur cinema as well as the tried and true high water marks.  When not screening and writing, it’s all about the music.  I write original music, both on guitar and with synthesizers.  I love underground dance music, and there is no bigger high than mixing my favorite tracks with my own music.

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?


What is the title of your next story and what will it be about?

Working on several projects.  Closing circles as I like to call it.  Just finished a short for The Syndicate’s next Adventures in Arcane anthology, and I am tinkering with a few more for Transmundane Press.  I have two books planned for this year, a collection of absurdist vignettes called A Grin Without a Cat and then a collection of my horror shorts called Ossuary Tales.  Next year, two novels: zombies and a book examining what happens after death.

What audience are your stories intended for?

Sick, sick people.

Do you use one or more professional editors, and if so, what types?

Always.  Not only do I try and comb through before submitting anywhere, my partner in crime, Alisha, always helps and vice-versa.  I have a few beta readers, as well.  With larger works, the more trusted eyes you have, the better.  Never be afraid to cut away or add.  Editors are usually right.

What advice do you have for beginning authors?

Never stop.  Write every day, even if you only get a few words out a day.  Don’t worry about criticism, and learn everything you can, absorb knowledge.  Read a lot, and read outside your comfort zone.  If you don’t understand what makes books tick, you’ll never be able to pull it off.


Having relocated from Northwest Florida’s lonesome roads and haunted swamps, Anthony S. Buoni now prowls the gas lamp lit streets of New Orleans, playing moonlight hide and seek in the Crescent City’s above ground cemeteries. Anthony is the author of Conversation Party, Synchrony, as well as the editor to the Between There anthologies. His stories and articles have been featured in North Florida Noir and Waterfront Living. When not prowling, Anthony keeps it scary, writing dark fiction, editing, and watching horror movies. In his spare time, he DJs, plays music, and conjures other worldly creatures with tarot cards and dreams.

ON FIRE is available now: Amazon, Nook, Kobo, and the Transmundane Press store.

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  1. Dade Roca says:

    I love reading horror, thriller, and just a great story that keeps my attention. Not too keen on cats but would love to read one of your stories. I guess I am one of your sick people. the more horror the more interesting it is for me.

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